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Sexualization in public spaces: how do we protect the children? (Policy Brief 267 - March 2012)

Sexualization in public spaces: how do we protect the children? (Policy Brief 267 - March 2012)


Sexuality is taking up an increasingly larger place in public spaces and the potential impact on children is a growing concern for specialists and parents. The concept, termed "sexualization" affects children in three areas: the use of sexualized images in the media, the sale of goods and services focusing on adult sexuality for young people and children's exposure to sexual or pornographic pictures.

  • Sexualization in public spaces: how do we protect the children? International Perspectives

By examining measures that have been discussed or implemented abroad since the early 2000s, two models have been identified: the first one concerns information and education, the second one concerns the need to control practices considered abusive. The most relevant plans tend to be those that adapt to the children’s age and those that use an educational approach, while fighting against exaggerations. Beyond the moral positions that could be used, the focus of this policy brief is on the field of child protection and the fight against certain gender stereotypes.


  • The growing “sexualization” in public spaces
  • How do we fight against the consequences of the “sexualization” of children?
  • Authors: Marie-Pierre Hamel and Marie-Cécile Naves, Department of Social Affairs

Press Contact:
Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Tel. +33 (0)1 42 75 61 37 -


Centre d’analyse stratégique