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Symposium: The evolution of intergenerational transfers - Contribution to an age policy

Symposium: The evolution of intergenerational transfers - Contribution to an age policy


The Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective (CGSP) organises a symposium about: 

The evolution of intergenerational transfers
Contribution to an age policy

Thursday July 11st from 2 to 6:30 pm
at the Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective
18rue de Martignac - 75 007 Paris

The seminar takes place when thinking about the overall balance of social protection, including risks associated with different stages of life, is particularly active (pension reform, multiple projects on education, signing COG family, addiction ... branch site). It aims to present a study realized for CGSP, new in France, using the methodology of the National Transfer Account to measure the consumption and income by age, individual and aggregated level.

This analysis provides a new way of looking at intergenerational relations in financial terms and in time produced by the social system and private transfers.

The symposium provides, after the presentation of the study, two times:

  • a scientific discussion on the innovations brought by the method and its limits...
  • a political discussion on new opportunities for analyzing social risks this method enables.

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With, namely:

  • Didier Blanchet, Editor in chief of Economie et Statistique of INSEE
  • Bertrand Fragonard, President of Haut conseil à la famille
  • Raphael Hadas-Lebel, President of Conseil d'orientation des retraites
  • Jean-Hervé Lorenzi, President of "Cercle des Economistes", Professor at Paris-Dauphine University, tenured of the chair Demografic transitions, economic transitions
  • André Masson, Researcher UMR Paris Jourdan Economic sciences, CNRS research director, Ecole d'économie de Paris
  • Bruno Palier, CNRS research director
  • Jean Pisani-Ferry, Commissionner general for policy planning
  • Gustavo de Santis, DiSIA Dip. di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni  "G. Parenti", University of Florence

The full program will be available in a few days on this page.

Please click here to register


Centre d’analyse stratégique