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Report: Freight and Global Climate Change

Report: Freight and Global Climate Change


Vincent Chriqui, Director general of the Centre d’analyse stratégique and Michel Savy, President of the mission "Cargo and Climate Change", released the report on "Freight transportation in the world and climate change," Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Freight and Global Climate Change Perspectives and progress margins

Emissions from freight transport: the hidden face of globalization

Since 1950, trade in international markets rose by almost 30 times in volume, reflecting economic growth and globalization. It does have one drawback: the transportation of freight (domestic, intra-European and international) is now responsible for 10% of global emissions of carbon dioxide.

In addition, these emissions have risen sharply in recent years: if current trends continue, they could well triple by 2050.

Yet until now, emissions from freight have been neglected by public opinion as in the enclosure climate negotiations: issue discussed frequently discussed once, never regulated. This disinterest stems partly from a misunderstanding of the subject. In addition, a voluntary action to reduce carbon footprints of trade fears an attack on drinking habits, even as an obstacle to trade, and more generally to economic growth.

The report of the Centre d’analyse stratégiquetherefore provides keys to understanding and possible solutions to solve a particularly difficult equation: how can the development of international trade and the fight against climate change? To this end are considered new regulations for the maritime, air and road, in order to reduce emissions.

Still, the goal of halving by 2050 global emissions of greenhouse gases is probably evidence of excessive ambition: all measures technological, organizational, economic and regulatory proposed here leads to effect that stabilizing emissions at the horizon. More reason to take action without delay.

  •   Report written by Caroline Daude, special assistant to the General Inspectorate of Finance and Johanne Buba, project manager, Department of Sustainable Development at the Centre d’analyse stratégique.
  •   Work coordinated by Dominique Auverlot, Head of Sustainable Development at the Centre d’analyse stratégique ".

Press contact:

Jean-Michel Roullé
Head of communications
01 42 75 61 37


Centre d’analyse stratégique