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Policy briefs 2012

L'emploi des femmes et des hommes dans la crise

The 2008 crisis revealed in the European Union high level of gender segmentation of labor markets which, paradoxically, had a protective effect on female employment in short term (...)

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Les technologies d'amélioration des capacités humaines

Will we see the development of technologies to improve physical and intellectual abilities of the human being? What health issues, social and ethical? (...)

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La science-fiction, du miroir de nos sociétés à la réflexion prospective

  Science fiction, and creative exploration free future possible , appears to mirror both the expectations and anxieties of his contemporaries, and a tool to enrich forward (...)

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Politique de la ville

This policy brief encourages us to look at the social and residential mobility of priority neighborhoods’ inhabitants as a major stake of area-based urban policy. From the (...)

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La mobilité internationale des professionnels de santé

The international mobility of health professionals alters the functioning of health care systems. What are the challenges for the French system of increased movement of (...)

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Lutte contre la pauvreté

 Can companies fight poverty while selling their goods and services to poor people? Can the steps initiated in the South (development aid) be transposed to the North? (...)

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Fraude, indus, non-recours

 The non-use of social benefits, much like fraud, limits the effectiveness of policies. This note emphasizes the need to implement a global policy of rightful payment, (...)

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Rio + 20 : priorité à la lutte contre la pauvreté

  In June 2012, the Conference "Rio +20" reaffirmed the primacy of the fight against poverty on other aspects of sustainable development. This trend will probably mark the (...)

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Quel rôle pour l'Europe dans les négociations climatiques internationales ?

  At the Doha end of 2012 , the European Union must ally with developing countries to prepare for the signing in 2015 of a climate agreement sufficiently ambitious, (...)

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Comment lutter contre le "climatoscepticisme" ?

  This note examines the perception of scientific discourse on climate threat by the general public in six countries "key" international negotiations s: South Africa, Brazil (...)

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Le service public de l'orientation tout au long de la vie

The law of November 24th 2009  establishes a public guidance service (PGS). This note analyses its deployment on the territory, the terms of its management and its (...)

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La protection sociale dans les BRICS

  BRICS have done in the space of a few years substantial progress in the implementation of their social protection systems. Continuing this development, however, involve (...)

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Droit du travail et protection des travailleurs dans les pays émergents

  Emerging countries , despite the magnitude of informal work and different national priorities, implement better protection for workers and social insurance schemes, with (...)

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Les bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques

  Worldwide dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria  is a major threat to public health , and calls for strong measures to preserve and develop our armamentarium (...)

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How can sport be put at the service of workers' health?

Regular and moderate physical activity and sport are a key factor to improve people's health. They should be encouraged in workplaces to enable the practice of everyone, (...)

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L'évaluation en France

  By publishing two analytical notes on entrepreneurship in France, the Strategic Analysis Centre has sought to better understand the difficulties faced by French (...)

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Le dispositif médical innovant

  Sector of the medical device (DM) is the strategic global market size (more than 200 billion euros per year) and growth (about 6% per year). France has a high quality (...)

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Désunion et paternité

  Parental authority establishes the equality of rights and duties of fathers and mothers in child rearing. parental work, however, remains unequally distributed. In the (...)

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Quels services rendus aux étudiants par les universités ?

  French universities make, to varying degrees, services to students to improve their success. This note analyzes various foreign cases, particularly in England (East London (...)

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L'individualisation dans les politiques de l'emploi

Reflections on recent changes in the welfare state emphasize the need to give everyone the means to be an actor of his career. (...)

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Médecine prédictive : les balbutiements d'un concept aux enjeux considérables

  Predictive medicine aims to determine in each sensitivities to drugs and biological predispositions to certain diseases in order to delay or avoid in the occurrence. This (...)

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Quelle réponse des pouvoirs publics à l'engouement pour les médecines non conven

  Faced with the side effects of treatment, lack of time caregivers or the absence of effective remedies to the ills of daily users of health systems in developed countries (...)

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Les recommandations médicales

  Medical recommendations are presented as written to help the practitioner if the patient to choose the treatment most appropriate to a given clinical situation. Tool (...)

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Pour une complémentarité du rail, de la route et du fleuve au service du transpo

The transportation of goods is currently enrolled in an increasingly globalized economy strong and is marked by four factors likely to destabilize: the need to reduce emissions (...)

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Growth in major emerging countries: Convergences and tensions

Emerging countries now account for almost 40% of world GDP, over half of which comes from the four giants, China, India, Brazil, Russia, against only 20% ten years ago: strong and (...)

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European Economic Convergence: Twenty Years Later

The real convergence between member countries of the euro area has not carried out according to the previsions that preceded the adoption of the Maastricht Treaty. (...)

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An analysis of fiscal adjustment strategies

In terms of economic policies, one of the consequences of the financial crisis that began in 2007 was to confirm the value of fiscal policy as a countercyclical instrument. (...)

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Salaires et politiques salariales. Quelles perspectives ?

The salary, the Thirty Glorious have been synonymous with substantial gains in purchasing power of the average wage. They slow down after the first oil shock, but the real (...)

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L'ajustement de l'emploi pendant la crise

The job was very touched during the crisis. However, according to countries and sectors, its evolution has not always reflected the activity, decreasing more or less than (...)

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De Durban à Doha

International Conference on Climate Change Durban marked the return of European diplomacy, which, in Copenhagen, was kept out of the final discussions between the United States (...)

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Vers des prix du pétrole durablement élevés et de plus en plus volatils

It is particularly difficult to predict the evolution of global oil production and its ability to meet the demand: the main uncertainties are related to the magnitude of the (...)

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La transition énergétique allemande est-elle soutenable

In 2011, Germany began a radical energy policy, or “Energiewende”, with the aim of completely abandoning nuclear power by 2022 and then achieving an 80-95% reduction in the (...)

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Le cerveau et la loi : éthique et pratique du neurodroit

The bioethics law by Article 45 recognizes the use of brain imaging in the context of judicial expertise. In this context, the Strategic Analysis Centre published a paper on the (...)

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La participation des habitants

Since the origins of the policy of the city, the need for citizen participation is recognized by all. Although participatory mechanisms will be developed and diversified, they (...)

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Aider les parents à être parents.

In all OECD countries develop services to support parents in fulfilling their parental duties, in addition to services that better reconcile personal and professional life and (...)

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Des technologies compétitives au service du développement durable

Competitive in a global context, the mastery of technological innovation is seen as a key element of competitiveness. As part of a long-term perspective, it is frequently called (...)

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L'évolution récente des systèmes de recherche

This policy brief discusses recent developments in a number of research systems and lays out the outline for the coming years. It takes into account the situation in countries of (...)

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Pour un renouveau de la logistique urbaine

Freight transportation, part of a complex supply chain, is marked by two destabilizing factors: climate change and rising energy prices. Thus, these realities require the (...)

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L'accès au très haut débit

Local fiber optic networks expanding is an inescapable technological evolution. These networks surpass the limits confronted by ADSL, while access to 100 MB/s is set to be (...)

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Les acteurs de la chaîne du livre à l'ère du numérique

To identify ways to develop the digital book in France while preserving the value of the book chain and editorial diversity of French publishing, The Centre d’analyse stratégique (...)

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Les ressources humaines, clé de l'internationalisation des entreprises française

We’ve known for several years that improving the capacity of small and medium-sized French companies so that they can grow and eventually enter the global market is one of the (...)

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Quelle place pour l'entrepreneuriat social en France ?

Social Entrepreneurship aims to combine economic efficiency and social impact and is gaining more and more interest. In the past two years, major initiatives haven been taken in (...)

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Sexualization of public space: how to protect children?

Sexuality is taking up an increasingly larger place in public spaces and the potential impact on children is a growing concern for specialists and parents. The concept, termed " (...)

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L'impact des TIC sur les conditions de travail

In this joint report, Centre d’analyse stratégique and the Ministry of finance analyze and suggest proposals on the impact of information technology and communication in working (...)

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Renforcer l'amorçage

In a recent policy brief we studied the barriers of seed funding. Many devices are designed to support public financing of innovative companies, including channel savings towards (...)

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Les aides au logement des ménages modestes

  Despite the reinforcement of housing assistance, finding housing has become harder for low-income households. In fact, the affordable housing-stock available for these (...)

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Énergies 2050

This analysis of energy scenarios up until 2050, made at the request of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and the Digital Economy, answers questions about the future of a French (...)

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Pour une nouvelle approche des mobilités dans les territoires périurbains et rur

In everyday life, people who live in suburban and rural areas are still very much dependent on their private cars, an expensive expenditure. By looking at the reasons for using (...)

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"Rio + 20" : l'heure du réalisme écologique ?

  In 1972, the Club of Rome and the Stockholm Conference stressed the limits of natural resources. In 1992, the Earth Summit in Rio established the concept of sustainable (...)

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L'enseignement professionnel initial dans le supérieur

To meet the growing need for a skilled labour force, the OECD countries are increasingly mobilizing their education systems. This is a major challenge for France, who had set a (...)

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Les secteurs de la nouvelle croissance : une projection à l'horizon 2030

While the market turmoil seems to focus on short-term growth, looking at the key issues and considering the origins of long-term growth is a way to reduce uncertainty. (...)

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Les secteurs créateurs d'emplois à moyen terme

The initial decline of activity in 2008 was primarily interpreted as a foreign demand aggregate shock to the industrial sectors in France and was transmitted through inter- (...)

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Accueil des jeunes enfants

  In 2008, 43% of children under 3 years attended a "full time" childcare in France, while the average in OECD countries was about 30%. That same year, however, between 300, (...)

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Centre d’analyse stratégique