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REPORT "Encouraging youth mobility in Europe"

REPORT "Encouraging youth mobility in Europe"


Nature of the relationship: a study of reflection on youth mobility in Europe, to stimulate debate at national and community, identifying its objectives and its various dimensions or thinking of ways to encourage it.

Sponsors : Valérie Pécresse, Minister for Higher Education and Research and Jean-Pierre Jouyet, Minister of State for European Affairs Authors : Yves Bertoncini, with the assistance of Yves Chassard Harfi Mohamed, Marie-Cecile Milliat, Amelie Barbier-Gauchard and Thierry Chopin

The main messages of this report are:

1 / The advantages of a European mobility are not solidemment established and should be better;

2 / To stimulate both the demand for mobility (youth) and supply of mobility, from adults (family, supervisory staff, facilities), supported by government;

3 / Support the youth mobility for European citizenship does not only learning experiences such as Erasmus, but must also lead to promoting short stays;

4 / Better management of public support for youth mobility via an EU / State / local government and the establishment of one stop shops and the award of aid.

Press contact:

Jean-Michel Roullé
Head of communications
01 42 75 61 37

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Centre d’analyse stratégique