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Methodological support document: Building a regional map training: tools, methods and challenges for the initial training

Methodological support document: Building a regional map training: tools, methods and challenges for the initial training


Following the request of the Prime Minister to Secretary of State for Forward Planning, Assessment of Public Policies and Development of the digital economy, and at the request of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, the Strategic Analysis Centre was established to analyze the tools and practices to be developed at regional level, maps vocational or professional purposes of level V (CAP) to Level II (Professional license).

This request addresses the need to promote, where practices are still lacking, the development of forward-looking work in the construction of training provision at local level.

This offer is determined under the plan contract Regional Development of Vocational Training (CPRDF). The contract, under the law, is developed for a period of six years by each Regional Council on the basis of guidance documents presented by the President of the Regional Council, the State representative in the region, and the Rector organizations of employers and employees. Its central objective is to define a medium-term program of vocational training for youth and adults and ensure a coherent development of vocational training courses and continuing education.

The work presented in this book as a guide, is a contribution to the methodology for the construction of the "supply side of vocational training." Indeed, although the dimension "prospective" is carried by many actors that produce relevant information, mastery of skills in this area is far from equally shared. Furthermore, the information produced too often is neither coordinated nor made available to decision makers, students and families adequately.

Originally designed aimed at education authorities, for their greater professionalism and greater autonomy in order to bring sustainable services to better anticipate significant growth of their economic and social context, this document may be helpful to others , since it refers more broadly the regional framework.

It was made from a pilot, conducted with the rectory of that of Rouen and Caen. It also involved all stakeholders at regional level. It draws on experiences and practices that are operating satisfactorily and its content has been enriched by the contributions of other experts and / or users in different regions and various education authorities and by the relevant statistical services at the national level.

It is intended for all those that wish to contribute to the implementation and monitoring of CPRDF in its operational dimension, including the dialogue on the training map. More generally, it should help equip regional players on the field of labor market analysis and training-employment relationship.

Whether the phase of appropriation of elements of inventory or that of the establishment of a shared diagnosis, this work presents itself as a toolbox in which everyone can draw to find what he needs (data retrieval, analysis tools of the training-employment relationship, prospective methods, actors involved, coordination arrangements, etc..).

Obviously, its use is not a search "adéquationniste" between the formation and operation of short-term labor market but rather the construction of rational targets for the provision of vocational training in relation to existing and anticipated needs for skills in a regional level.

In a context is needed for a better allocation of resources and the need for significant improvement in the integration of young people, we expect that this tool will be mobilized as many as a tool for decision support to establish more choices and future directions in training map.

  • Authors : Frédéric Lainé, Department of Labour-Employment Analysis Centre stragégique and Elodie Lebreton, Academic Delegation to the teaching of technical Rector of Rouen

Press Contact

Jean-Michel Roullé, Head of Communications
Tel. 01 42 75 61 37


Centre d’analyse stratégique